Archive Lister 2.74

2.74 ( 13 Mar 2003 )

* Help: fix pos for edit help
+ SysInfo: CPU Brain ID
+ SysInfo: fix cpu type (add more cpu)
+ SysInfo: fix cpu type
+ highlight top line
+ global % for copy man operations
* fix rename simple dir using
! new Background & Multithreads File Manager
+ (File Copy) Enable new dir creation after copy dialog
+ [Shift][Enter] in copy dialog = choose new thread
* some bugs in copy routine
* increase speed file sorting in panel
+ show full long name in panel on mouse over
+ fast reaction on fast search key (like )
+ copy mgr check for subst on subst
+ 2test: adaptive-variable size of LongName column
- subst2realpath conversion on copy tobesent
* fix Fn.keyb. malfunction after file's multi-operations
* w2k/xp eject drive works ()
* w2k/xp select drive dialog
* w2k/xp copy to (like 'nul')
* ?fix w2k lo XMS mem restriction (OVR problem)
* ?fix error#66 (internal v-cache problems)
* some interface fix
* file split: fix disk size 5,25" fdd.
* uue
* copyright
* txtedit: load - fix long filenames.
* txtedit: load block - fix long filenames.
* txtedit: remove filename lowcase
+ SysInfo: fix cpu type (iC/iCA)
* SysInfo: remove ?x
+ SysInfo: fix cpu type (add AMD K7 Athlon XP)
+ add SCM archiver
* SysInfo: fix cpu type (add iC Tualatin)
* SysInfo: fix cpu type (add iP4)
* SysInfo: add ?/family/model/stepping '?xFxMxSx'
* Split file: change dialog
* SysInfo: change dialog
+ SysInfo: fix cpu type (AMD K6-2+)
* kbdrus: fix 'p'
+ add highlight .pp files
* calc: change dialog
+ txtedit: add F2 for save file
* txtedit: move save as... to @F2
* txtedit: fix src\allngkbd.src for save and save as...
+ txtedit: add long filenames.
* start menu: move position 0:0 to 0:1 [v]
* remove read drive a: and b: for change drive dialog
* change head line (cosmetic)
+ add video mode for head line if press alt key
* resize [ Ok ] button for message and error dialogs
* fix hide cursor for windows
* fix VCD archiver
+ add highlight .z## files - group archives
+ add VCD archiver (Far Stone)
+ add GHO archiver (Norton GHost)
+ add highlight .wad files - group archives

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