Archive Lister 2.73

2.73 ( 21 Oct 2002 )

+ add [v|AL|Volume_Label] and [j|o|S|T|-|?|x] menu to up line
+ 132x50 and 132x60 screen mode
* VGA palette: add load, save, default al\al.vga - file vga palette
+ add [?] menu
+ add hot-key for file panel: [home] for ".." dir eqv [enter]
* change videomode dialog
* change help dialog
* change highlite extensions groups dialog
* change file attributes dialog
* change ico view dialog
* change mkdir dialog
* change goto position dialog
* change find text dialog
* change replace text dialog
* change help dialog
+ add WAD archiver (doom, doom2, ...)
+ add TRD ZX archiver
+ add SCL ZX archiver
* optimize Z80 disassembler
+ VGA palette

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